
Themostcommontheoryisthatagiantmeteorhittheearth,fillingtheatmospherewithdeadlygas,vapourisedrock,anddust.Thisthencausedacatastrophic ...,Theeventcausedtheextinctionofallnon-aviandinosaurs.Mostothertetrapodsweighingmorethan25kilograms(55pounds)alsobecameextinct,withthe ...,The“moments”ofapparentlyhighextinctionlevelsamongdinosaursoccurredattwopointsintheTriassic(about221millionand210millionyea...


The most common theory is that a giant meteor hit the earth, filling the atmosphere with deadly gas, vapourised rock, and dust. This then caused a catastrophic ...


The event caused the extinction of all non-avian dinosaurs. Most other tetrapods weighing more than 25 kilograms (55 pounds) also became extinct, with the ...


The “moments” of apparently high extinction levels among dinosaurs occurred at two points in the Triassic (about 221 million and 210 million years ago), perhaps ...

Asteroid that doomed the dinosaurs halted key process for ...

2023年10月31日 — The age of the dinosaurs ended 66 million years ago when a city-size asteroid struck a shallow sea off the coast of what is now Mexico. But ...

Dinosaur extinction facts and information

2019年7月31日 — Learn about the mass extinction event 66 million years ago and the evidence for what ended the age of the dinosaurs.

What killed the dinosaurs?

Find out why most dinosaurs became extinct 66 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period. Birds were the only dinosaurs to survive the mass ...

How an asteroid ended the age of the dinosaurs

How did dinosaurs become extinct? Explore the Cretaceous extinction event and the role of the Chicxulub impact in the death of dinosaurs (except birds).

When did dinosaurs become extinct?

Dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago (at the end of the Cretaceous Period), after living on Earth for about 165 million years.